About us
Computer Corner
Center Calendar
Center News
Meal Menu

The Sandy Senior Center is located at 9310 South, 1300 East in Sandy, Utah, 84094. We are open from 8:00 to 4:00 daily Monday through Friday and until 10:00 PM on Thursday evenings.

Bingo and Prizes: Tuesdays at 12:35pm, Wednesdays at 10:30am with Spanish/English Thursday at 12:35pm

The center provides activities for all seniors age 60 or older including spouses of seniors 60 or older. These activities include meals at the center or meals on wheels. There are activities for the mind, body and well being of seniors. Some months the center will support in excess of 90 different types of activities. They include exercise, dance, trips, fine arts, crafts, computer classes, theater, music, seminars, and much more.  Check the activity pages and the Center News  page for current activities. 

You can also reach us at 801-561-3265 or fax at 801-352-9103

See the contacts page to find our e-mail addresses and other information.

Join us for exercise with instruction from University of Utah Sports Medicine specialists.

 Transportation is available to Sandy Residents who are 60 or older.

Thank you for visiting our Internet site. We want to give you the opportunity to stay in touch with our center.

Visitors since August 6, 2004