Sandy Art Show �Call for Entries�


October 17-20, 2007 the city of Sandy will hold a major juried show and exhibit of visual arts.

Salt Lake Valley�s artists are invited to enter their original work into the show on Monday, October 15, 2007 at the Sandy Senior Center and compete for some $4000 in cash prizes. The art will be juried and exhibited in the galleries of the Sandy Senior Center located at 9310 south and 1300 east, Sandy, Utah. The two-dimensional art includes 2 categories of oil /acrylic and watercolor paintings and the three-dimensional art includes 2 categories of sculpture and pottery. 

Each category will be juried and awarded separately.

Artists are asked to submit the two-dimensional art with a maximum size of 30 x30 inches in overall height and width, framed, and with wire hangers. The three-dimensional art is limited to 30 x 30 x 48 inches in width, depth, and height respectively.  Each submitted item should be tagged with title, medium, asking price, the name of the artist and the contact phone number.

Artists are expected to deliver and register their entries at the Sandy Senior Center on Monday, October 15, between hours 9 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. The entrants will have to agree to comply with the show rules and to allow their art to be photographed for publicity purposes. Entry fees are $25 for the first entry and $15 for each additional entry thereafter.

An intention to enter items into show should be forwarded the Show Selection Committee either by email (, postal mail to Sandy Art Show, 9310 S 1300 East, Sandy, Utah 84094 or phone (259-3435) by October 12. The submission should list the titles, medium, and the size of each entry.

Artists are urged to consult pertaining to the show rules and other relevant information.


[Sandy Arts] [Entry Call] [Rules] [Agreement] [Contact]