Sandy Senior Center - Computer Center           (function (i, s, o, g, r, a, m) { i['GoogleAnalyticsObject'] = r; i[r] = i[r] || function () { (i[r].q = i[r].q || []).push(arguments) }, i[r].l = 1 * new Date(); a = s.createElement(o), m = s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0]; a.async = 1; a.src = g; m.parentNode.insertBefore(a, m) })(window, document, 'script', '', 'ga'); ga('create', 'UA-67780205-1', 'auto'); ga('send', 'pageview');          Toggle navigation     Sandy Senior Center     Home Lunch Menu Activities Resources People & Partners Contact/About       Computer Center   Embrace Your Inner Geek      Technology and computers are everywhere today and it can often be intimidating or frustrating when faced with using these newfangled thingamajigs. 

  But do not fear, as the wise man once said, don't panic. 

  The Computer Center is a friendly place where you can take your time, learn at your own pace, and gain a level of confort with computers and technology. 

  The volunteer instructors and lab helpers are here to have some good geeky fun and share their knowlege. 

  Get more details below on: 

     Current and Upcoming Schedule   Course Descriptions   What is Open Lab time?   Special Seminar Topic             January 2022      Monday Morning9:30 to 11:30 PC Open Lab Every Monday  9:30 to 11:30    Wednesday Morning9:30 to 11:30  311 Windows 11 Transition  Instructor: Steve  Jan. 5, 12, 19, 26    Wednesday Afternoon1:30 to 3:30 PC Open Lab Every Wednesday  11:30 to 3:30   Thursday Morning9:30 to 11:30  105 iPhone & iPad  Instructor: John  Jan. 6, 13, 20, 27          Open Lab           The "open lab" hours are not a class but rather a time for you to come and get one-on-one help with questions, practice on the computers, or explore some self-learning. 

  We welcome all questions and in many cases we may even provide answers. ☺☺☺ 

      Monday Morning9:30 to 11:30  Open Lab   Every Monday    Wednesday Afternoon1:30 to 3:30  Open Lab   Every Wednesday          Special Seminar    From time to time we offer special seminars on topics of interest. 

      Courses    The Computer Center is pleased to be able to offer a variety of courses. 

  Each course typically runs for four weeks.  Each week the class will be held for two hours, either  in the morning (9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.) or in the afternoon (1:30 p.m. to 3:30p.m.) special Thursday evening offering (6:30 p.m. to 7:30p.m.)  Please see the current or upcoming schedule for details. 

  Also, please take a moment to browse the course descriptoins below and take a look at the manuals for the courses to  find the best fit for your interests.  

  Between each four week course offering we hold a registration week. At that time people are welcome to sign up for the next course they would like to attend. 

  We ask for a $15 donation per course to help cover materials, equipment, and upkeep.  All of the computers and other equipment are purchased with donations. THANK YOU! 

        101 - Introduction to Computers  No experience necessary… we start this course by showing you a little about the computer hardware and software. Then you will get comfortable using the mouse and keyboard to interact with the computer. Everything you learn here will help in all of the other classes offered. 

 Recommeded Prerequsite: none

   Get the Course Manual  BONUS Material

   What are the parts of a computer?     What is hardware and what is software?     Introducing the Mouse     Introducing the Keyboard            105 - iPad & iPhone  Touching, swiping, pinching and zooming… oh, my! This class explores some of the features and fun to be had with an Apple iPad or iPhone. How to use the App Store, Siri, browse the Web with Safari, and a general introduction to using the iPad or iPhone. Bring your own iPad or iPhone and find out how to take advantage of your amazing device. 

 Recommeded Prerequsite: none

  This course uses Apple's User Guides as reference:  iPhone User Guide  or  iPad User Guide 

          106 - Android  Android tablets and smart phones are some of the most popular gadgets around. Come learn how to take full advantage of your Android device, stay safe, and have fun. There are many versions and varieties of Android so bring your tablet or phone and we’ll explore how to get the most out of it. 

 Recommeded Prerequsite: none

   Get the Course Notes           108 - Apple Mac OS X  Do you have a Mac? There is so much to do, so much to explore, when using an Apple Mac computer. Whether you have a laptop or desktop Mac, we'll take a look at the OS X operating system that makes your Mac a Mac and not a PC. 

 Recommeded Prerequsite: none

   Get the Course Manual            110 - Windows 10 Fundamentals  Are you ready to take a look at the new features of Microsoft Windows 10? New ways to log on, speak to Cortana (your personal digital assistant), get comfortable with the new Start menu, and explore music, photos, calendar, and other built in apps. And how about the new Edge browser that lets you take notes on any web page. In this class you will get started with a solid, comfortable introduction to Windows 10. 

 Recommeded Prerequsite: Basic Computer Experience

   Get the Course Manual           119 - Holiday Greeting Cards  How would you like to make and send a personalized Christmas card to that special someone this year? In this fun class, we will help you turn your pictures, your holiday wishes and thoughts into a real card to send to a loved one, family, or friend of your choice. Bring a picture or we will take a digital picture during class. But, most importantly, bring your creativity… we’ll help with the technical stuff. 

  Join any of the class sessions and go home with your own custom card. 

          201 - Internet  Take a tour of the Internet and learn about how to browse web sites, send and receive e-mail, use search engines, and other fun things to do online. Whether watching videos or trading interesting notes and pictures with friends and family, the Internet has plenty to offer. 

 Recommeded Prerequsite: Windows 7, 8, or 10 experience.

   Get the Course Manual           205 - Facebook  Learn how to become part of the world’s largest social networking phenomenon. You will be able to setup your own Facebook account and learn how to make friends, post updates, and share with your family and friends. 

 Recommeded Prerequsite: Windows 7, 8 or Windows 10 experience

   Get the Course Manual           207 - Windows Photos  Learn how to import and work with your digital pictures. We use the Windows 10 Photos app to manipulate your pictures to enhance, crop, and rotate. Once you have just the right look, you’ll be able to share your photos. 

 Recommeded Prerequsite: 110 - Windows 10 or Windows 10 experience

   Get the Course Manual           210 - Windows 10 LEVEL II  Can’t get enough Windows 10? This class continues where Windows Fundamentals left off. Get the most out of your Windows 10 experience, learn about more what you can do with your Windows 10 computer. 

 Recommeded Prerequsite: 110 - Windows 10 or strong Windows 10 experience

   Get the Course Manual           215 - iPhone & iPad Apps  Apple News, YouTube, Netflix, FaceTime, Games, Twitter… with over a million apps available in the Apple App Store, there is something for everyone. News, games, photography, music, books, sports, travel, weather, entertainment and education. Oh my! We will explore a variety of iPad apps according to everyone’s interests. 

 Recommeded Prerequsite: 105 - iPhone & iPad

           216 - Android Apps  What do you want to do with your Android phone or tablet? There are so many great apps in the Google Play store for watching videos, reading news, playing games, taking notes, making music, taking pictures… Come explore all the possibilities, share your favorites, and find something new. 

 Recommeded Prerequsite: 106 - Android

           217 - Computer Maintenance  How do you keep your computer working and going strong? It will eventually need some maintenance and upkeep. Don't wait for something to go wrong, join us to learn about physical maintenance, software maintenance, performance maintenance, and backups. 

 Recommeded Prerequsite: Windows 7, 8 or 10 experience

   Get the Course Manual           220 - Microsoft Office  Microsoft Office is the leading suite of productivity software by a long shot. Come learn about word processing with Word, spreadsheets with Excel, and presentations with PowerPoint. This course will introduce you to the basics of: Word, Excel, and PowerPoint 

 Recommeded Prerequsite: Windows 7, Windows 8.1, or Windows 10 experience

   Get the Course Manual - Microsoft Word     Get the Course Manual - Microsoft Excel     Get the Course Manual - Microsoft PowerPoint           221 - Microsoft Excel  Microsoft Excel is the most popular spreadsheet around. What is a spreadsheet and what can you do with the Excel spreadsheet? This class starts with the basics of what a workbook is, columns, rows, and cells. Then you will learn how easy and powerful it is to do calculations and use simple formulas. Finally, what fun would Excel be without looking at a few charts and formatting to make your data shine. 

  We use the latest Office 365 (a.k.a. 2016) Excel but the basic concepts also work with older versions of Excel. 

 Recommeded Prerequsite: Windows 7, 8, or 10 experience

           222 - Microsoft Word  Microsoft Word is the most popular word processor around. Start simple and work up to fancy… it’s easy to get started with Microsoft Word and this class will show you the basics. Then, if you want, Word has some more advanced features that let you be productive and creative. 

  We use the latest Office 365 (a.k.a. 2016) Word but this course also includes notes on other free word processing programs. 

 Recommeded Prerequsite: Windows 7, 8, or 10 experience

   Get the Course Manual            223 - Microsoft PowerPoint  Microsoft PowerPoint is primarily used to create presentations – a series of “slides” to accompany a talk. But PowerPoint can also be use to make quite nice signs, fliers, announcements, etc. This class will demonstrate these creative uses and offer tips to make your designs look good and work well. 

  We use the latest Office 365 (a.k.a. 2016) PowerPoint but the basic concepts also work with older versions of PowerPoint. 

 Recommeded Prerequsite: Windows 7, 8, or 10 experience

           NEW  230 - Windows Apps  There are great apps that come built in with Windows 10 and there is an online App Store for many more possibilities. 

  From news to weather to a personal calendar, and thousands more, apps help you do more! We'll explore a variety of apps for fun and to accomplish specific tasks. Let's find an app for you... 

   Get the Course Manual  Recommeded Prerequsite: Windows 10 experience

          237 - iPhone & iPad Photography  iPhones and iPads have remarkably good digital cameras. And, more importantly, it is usually the camera you have with you. Digital photography is fun, easy, and a great creative outlet. 

  Take Photos → Edit Photos → Share Photos 

  Are you ready to take some pictures? (and maybe a little video too) 

 Recommeded Prerequsite: 105 - iPhone & iPad

           240 - Family Search Genealogy  Trace your family roots. Discover historical connections. Build a better understanding and connection across generations. Genealogy research has changed tremendously with the help of online resources. Come find your family history. 

           310 - Windows 10 Transition  Microsoft Windows 10 is here! If you are thinking of or already have transitioned from Windows 7 or 8 to Windows 10, this is the class for you. Come explore all the changes that Windows 10 has to offer. Learn how to take full advantage of the latest features. 

  PLEASE NOTE: This is NOT an “introduction” class. This class is geared toward those folks who already have some understanding of Win 7 or 8 and have upgraded to Win 10. 

 Recommeded Prerequsite: 102 - Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 experience

   Get the Course Manual           311 - Windows 11 Transition  Microsoft Windows 11 is here! If you are thinking of or already have transitioned to Windows 10, this is the class for you. Come explore all the changes that Windows 11 has to offer. Learn how to take full advantage of the latest features. 

  PLEASE NOTE: This is NOT an “introduction” class. This class is geared toward those folks who already have some understanding of Windows 10 and have upgraded to Windows 11. 

   Get the Course Manual          © 2015 Sandy Senior Center