About Us - Sandy Senior Center

This Center is a joint effort between the city of Sandy (Utah) and Salt Lake County Aging Services.

The city provides the facilities and it’s upkeep and Salt Lake County Aging Services provides the operating staff. The numerous activities supported by this center are staffed by countless volunteers.

Salt Lake County employees include:


 Center Staff:

Director: Joy Hartmann
Program Assistant: John Warnke
Office Specialist: Diana Butcher
Outreach Worker: Peggy Gonzales
Kitchen:  Amy Krogh and Connie Olson
Meal Aide: Steve Bown
Computer Coordinator: Kay Adair
Instructors: Trish Gray, Tita deMontoya, Vicki Arcado
Maintenance: John Boyce
Van Driver: Scott Hess

Advisory Council.
President: Al Whipple
Vice President: Lois Hirschi
Secretary: Marlene Allen
Treasurer: Bob Adair

Members: Judy Cockrell, Alex Hoshovsky, Dick Adair, Helen Lennon, Don Ramey, Don Bricker, Pauline Ludy, Rayna Scott, Ray Kartchner, Page Van Stone. There is a council of 15 elected seniors which provide direction and support for the center and the above staff. 

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