Computer Corner -  Sandy Senior Center


Next Computer Class registration date is January 31 thru 4 February for February 2011 classes. First class is scheduled for Feb 7, Monday, 9 - 11 am.  All classes are first come and first serve basis, so if you really want to take a class , please come early. Students in an sequential class will be able to sign up the last day of their current class. A $15 nonrefundable donation is encouraged for the class which includes a manual and two hours of instruction each week for 4 weeks. 

Open Computer Labs will be held on:

    Monday Morning 2/7, 2/14, 2/28 & 3/7 starting 9:30 am and ending 11:30 am each Monday day.

  • Wednesdays Afternoon 2/9, 2/16, 2/23 & 3/2 starting 1:30 pm and ending 3:30 pm each Wednesday.
  • Computer assistance will be available by appointment only any day the center will be open, please call the center for an appointment.

    If you have any other interesting topics to be discuss at this monthly meeting, please let Don Bricker know what topics you would like discussed at the future meetings.

February 2011 Computer Class Schedules are as follows:

Monday Morning:  Open Lab, 9:30-11:30, starting Feb 7, 14, 28 & Mar 7.

Monday Afternoon:  Intro to Computer, 1:30-3:30 pm, Feb 7, 14, 28 &

Mar 7.

Tuesday Morning: Windows 7, 9:30-11:30 am, Feb 8, 15, 22 & Mar 1

Tuesday Afternoon: Computer Fundamentals, 1:30-3:30 pm, Feb 8, 15, 22 & Mar 1

Wednesday Morning: Basic Internet, 9:30-11:30 am, Feb 9, 16, 23 & Mar 2

Wednesday Afternoon: Computer Open Lab, 1:30-3:30 pm, Feb 9, 16, 23 & Mar 2.

Thursday Morning:  No class is scheduled, 9:30-11:30 am, Feb 10, 17, 24 & Mar 3.

Thursday Afternoon:  No class is scheduled, 1:30-3:30 pm. Feb 10, 17, 24 & Mar 3.

Thursday Evening: Intro to Face Book (free), 7:00-8:45 pm, Feb 17 & Mar 3

Friday Morning: No class is held:  9:30-11:30 am, Feb 11, 18 25 & Mar 4.

Friday Afternoon:  Word Processing:  1:30-3:30 pm, Feb 11, 18, 25 & Mar 4.

The following computer classes are offered at the Sandy Senior Center throughout the year. If you have a class you would like to take, but not available at the Center currently, please let us know.   We have plenty of qualified volunteer teachers, we may be able to offer the class you are asking for.  So ask, then ye shall receive.

Intro to Basic Computers:  This course is for you who want to start if you have no experience with computers.  This course explains what the basic pieces of computer hardware and software are.  Learn the proper way to shut down a computer, use of the keyboard and "mouse."  When you finish, you should be able to run programs on your computer, play games, and write basic letters.  Instructors:  Floyd Crump, Robert Adair, Beth Cassell, Maurice Wells & Kay Adair.

Windows XP, I & II:  If you have a system with Windows XP and are already comfortable with a mouse and can do what is described in the Basic course, this is the next good entry point.  This course covers how to generate, remove and arrange shortcuts (icons), how to use the Recycle Bin, and what the taskbar can do for you.  Find out more information on the Start button, Find/Search commands, document menus, and how to move and arrange files on your hard drive.  Learn what title, menu, and tool bars do and how to change them.  Learn how and why to use multiple windows to run more than one program at a time.  Make the Help program work for you.  We recommend that you know the material in Basic and Windows XP before taking one of the more advanced courses.    Instructor:  Jerry Stewart/Don Bricker

Basic Internet:  This course provides a tour of what to see and where to go on the internet.  Learn about E-mail, search engines, chat rooms, newsgroups, and other internet offerings.  Learn how to download Internet software, text, or photos into your computer.  Prerequisites for this course are the skills taught in Windows I.   Instructor:  Greg Evans

Photo Editing:  You will learn how to enter your pictures from a digital camera, scanner, or Internet into your PC and how to edit those pictures using Photoshop Elements.  You will learn how to store your pictures for future use and how to transmit them via E-mail.  You will learn how to manipulate them for size and visual quality, how to store them in original and compressed formats and how to print them.  You will be introduced to layering techniques which will allow making collages for display or publication.  Prerequisites for this course are the skills taught in Windows XP.   Instructor:  Don Ramey/Rayna Scott/Randy Graham.

Word Processing:  This course is taught using Word Perfect.  The first three classes are 100% compatible with Microsoft Word.  The commands and techniques taught in the last are in different places in Word and are also demonstrated on the instructor's machine.  Check spelling and grammar, special formatting, adding graphics and other word processing techniques are covered in this course.  Prerequisites for this course are the skills taught in Windows XP.   Instructor:  Kay Adair

E-Bay Basics:  Upon completion of this course, students will be able to register on eBay, Browse and Search for items to buy, Bid and buy items, Create a Seller's account and list items for sell.  The course includes techniques on how best to sell and how to avoid scams.  When you sign up for this class, be sure to ask for the eBay package which tells you what you need to bring to class to sign up as a seller on E-Bay. Instructor: Richard Nelson

Video Production Class:  In this 8-week computer course the students learn how to use the computer to compose and make a video (slide show or a movie); one that can be shown on the home computer monitor  or on TV screen.  Using a Window Movie Maker, slide making techniques and make 5-10 minutes of your OWN DVD; telling their own "story" with still or moving pictures, text, voice, and music.  Instructor:  Alex Hoshovsky

Creating Greeting Cards: This class will teach you how to use greeting card software for your home computer.  It provides the way to make cards for any occasion, thank you notes, or use the same program to make banners, flyers, calendars or posters.  No previous computer classes or experience is necessary.  Instructor: 

Typing Class:  If you want to learn how to type on your computer, this is where you want to start.   Or if you want to improve your typing skills, this is the class for you.  Mavis Beacon program is tailored for each individual student who wants to sharpen their typing skills.  Instructor:  Kay Adair

Spreadsheet: In this class you will learn the basic elements of the worksheet, workbook and the cell.  It will teach you to move around in the worksheet, to make extra rows and columns, to add column of numbers and to use formulas, etc.  Instructor:  Janet Lang

Computer Maintenance:  Starting with outer area of the computer, you will learn how to update programs, how to protect your PCV from viruses, hard drive maintenance, how to put password on your PC & hard drisk maintenance, etc.

Comp Fundamentals: This course covers the fundamental functions of Window Operating Systems from Windows XP, VISTA & Windows 7 (will be out in later this year.

Schedule is normally four weeks long, and a one week break for Instructor's meeting and computer clean up, Computer Club meeting and special seminars.

If you see a course you would like to take not on the current schedule be sure to sign up on the interest survey on the desks next to the meals check-in desk or ask someone at the front desk to sign you up. If we don’t yet offer a course on a subject let us know and we will see if we can get an instructor if there is enough interest.  Classes are limited to ten (10) students, be sure to notify us if you will not be able to take the course and someone on standby may be able to take your place.



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