Enjoy a meal with friends. Relax, talk, maybe treat yourself to some "Heavenly Pudding."
Carbohydrate servings are posted in Centre Café next to the pantry entry with recommendations for diabetes management. The menus are low in sodium and fat.
We strive to adhere to strict Health Department standards. Kitchen staff and volunteers possess a Food Handlers Permit and receive ongoing training in food saftey and preparation. We depend on volunteers to help in our lunch program and clean up after the meal has been served.
We realize there will be times when you may not have $4.00; we still want you to have lunch with us and only ask that you give what you can.
The suggested donation for someone under 60 visiting the center with a senior is the actual cost of the meal. Those under 60 not accompanying a senior must pay the actual cost of the meal. (please see the front desk for details)