Sandy Senior Center - People and Partners           (function (i, s, o, g, r, a, m) { i['GoogleAnalyticsObject'] = r; i[r] = i[r] || function () { (i[r].q = i[r].q || []).push(arguments) }, i[r].l = 1 * new Date(); a = s.createElement(o), m = s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0]; a.async = 1; a.src = g; m.parentNode.insertBefore(a, m) })(window, document, 'script', '', 'ga'); ga('create', 'UA-67780205-1', 'auto'); ga('send', 'pageview');          Toggle navigation     Sandy Senior Center     Home Lunch Menu Activities Resources People & Partners Contact/About       People and Partners, Working Together, Make a Great Center   Providing the wonderful, diverse, and ever changing environment that makes up the Sandy Senior Center takes the help and coordination of a wide range of people and organizations.     City and County   Center Staff   Advisory Council   Community Representatives   ...and our amazing Volunteers      City and County Partnership      The Sandy Senior Center is made possible through the cooperation of Sandy City and Salt Lake County Aging Services.         Meet the Friendly Folks Who Keep the Center Going          Charles Otis Center Director 385-468-3410  Hello, I would like to welcome everyone to the Sandy Senior Center. I’ve been with the County for 15 years and a senior center manager for five. As the Sandy Senior Center manager I enjoy working with seniors and learning about their life stories. At the Center we are here to help you have a good experience in whichever activities you want to try, from exercise to lifelong learning to a nutritious lunch, or just talking with friends. 

  I’m originally from Massachusetts and love the coast and seafood but now I enjoy outdoor activities and exploring the mountains of Utah with my two teenagers. I also enjoy traveling the world and have been to China, Japan, India, Egypt, and Morocco. And, by the way, I also must admit to being a bit of a dark chocolate fanatic. 

             Cindy DeLao Program Coordinator 385-468-3410  I would like to thank you all for the opportunity to be invited into your lives. I truly believe that I am here to help make a difference in your day. I hope you find your visit here at the Sandy Senior Center to be a warm and inviting one; with opportunities to learn, partake in new experiences, and meet new people. 

  A little about me, I was born in Los Angeles, California and raised in Ohio, Kentucky, New York, and Texas. I served in the US Army for four years, stationed at Schofield Barracks, Hawaii. I have visited 37 of these United States. I am married with four amazing kids, two who are grown and have families of their own and live in Texas, and a set of twins who live here with us in Sandy. 

  Unlike Charles, I will admit to loving Hershey's MILK Chocolate and confess that I absolutely despise dark chocolate, so his chocolate will always be totally safe around me. 

             Maggie Steele Office Specialist 385-468-3410         Teresa Zagalo Cook        Bonnie Shaffer Meal Aide             Scott Hess Driver 801-230-5673 If you need a ride to the Center, I'm the guy to call.  Get all the transportation details  and don't let not having a car stop you from visiting the Center.  I'll pick you up... and I'll take you home.         Trish Gray, Vicki Arcado, Becky Walton Instructors       Sandy Senior Center Advisory Council   The Advidory Council is made up of elected seniors who provide direction and support for the center and coordinate with the staff.

         Volunteers: "A Little Time Can Do A Lot"    The Center has a wide variety of opportunities for all ages to volunteer time and talents. 

  As the gap between available resources and the needs of seniors continues to grow, Salt Lake County Aging Services believes the role of volunteering to be vital. We are always looking to add new programs at the Center. 

  To find the volunteer opportunity that best suits your needs, skills, and time availability, simply talk to the staff. 

    Volunteering is the life blood of the Senior Center. Volunteers play a critical role in delivering quality programming as well as providing options for fit, active and engaged seniors. 

      Community Representatives   We would also like to recognize and thank our community representatives:

     Kevin Bybee Sandy City   Sherrie Gatherum & Holly Peterson Alta View Hospital   Anne Dellamora Atria Senior Living      © 2015 Sandy Senior Center