January 2007 Volume 6, Issue 1.
Our November Guest/Demonstrator: Marian Dunn
NOVEMBER 2007 GUEST ARTIST, MARIAN DUNN, presented to the group new ways to approach our artwork and urged us to not be afraid to try something different. After we received a lesson on the many types of painting surfaces, brushes, and paints, Marian began her demonstration by brushing a coat of acrylic matte gel medium onto her paper. She said it is ok to use more than one coat but to let it dry in between. She then chose two non-staining colors, one warm and one cool. Then the paint was dropped from her brush onto her paper and the colors ran and mingled beautifully. When dry she then sketched her drawing using chalk or pencil. With this method Marian showed us how to lift out to white and add more colors. What you end up with is an underpainting that comes through. The demonstration was quite informative and fun. Please visit Marian�s website at
WATERCOLOR WORKSHOP: Marian Dunn is offering a workshop on Thursday, April 17th to be held at the Sandy Senior Center. The workshop will run from 2:00 to 8:00pm. Cost is $40.00 payable to Bobbie Halverson. Please mail checks to Bobbie Halverson, 1495 Budding Dr, Sandy, Utah 84092 of if you prefer, you can pay Bobbie at the January 17th meeting. For more information please call Bobbie at 572-0468. Hurry, only 9 spots left to ?ll!
NEXT MEETING: Our next meeting will be held on the evening of Thursday, January 17th at 6:30 pm in the Cafe. Our guestwill be Dale Minson. Dale is a well known native Utahan who worked as an architect for 35 years. He will be demonstrating awet-on-wet technique with a dry brush. Dale says �your painting can have a pre-design idea, but once you start this process youhave to go with the ?ow. If you don�t like the painting as you are working on it, you haven�t painted on it long enough�. After the meeting, let Bobbie know if you are interested in attending a workshop with Dale.SANDY WATERCOLOR SPRING SHOW: Start painting now for the Sandy Watercolor Club Spring Show. March 5th will be the drop-off date for entries. Artwork will be up through March 31st. The reception and open house will be on March 6th. Artwork must be framed and wired for hanging. Entry fee for ?rst piece is $6.00 for members and $9.00 for non-members. Second and third pieces are $4 for members and $7 for non-members. You may enter up to three pieces. Verna Hendricks is the Show director and Susan Fairclough is the assistant.
OFFICERS: (August 2007 through August 2008)
President: Bobbie Halverson Vice Presidents/Show Director: Verna Hendricks & Susan FaircloughNewsletter/Membership Director: Bonnie Zinanti Art Advisor: Anne Jewett, Web Master: Mari O�Brien Web Master Back-up: David Johnson, Photographer: Alex Hoshovsky
NEWSLETTER: If anyone has any information they would like to appear in this newsletter please let Bonnie Zinanti know. This could be art supplies for sale, artist shows, calls for entries, artist opportunities, workshops, member websites, etc. Please jot down the information on a piece of paper and give it to Bonnie at the meeting.