12 July 2007
Volume 5, Issue 6
Sandy Watercolor Club
Our May Guest/Demonstrator:LaMar Walbeck
LaMar Walbeck continues to influence me by the way he applies a generous amount of paint and gets such vibrant paintings. His method of creating the effect he�s looking for seems to make me feel like I want to be in that painting. His mixing of the paints on the paper is probably the most influential part of his painting. He mixes very little on his palette and that is why his palette is small.
Lamar believes: �Paint a scene different than you see it, otherwise you might as well have taken a photo�.
LaMar keeps his paints fresh by putting the small palette case in the refrigerator. Now that idea has come from some serious experimenting. He buys most of his art supplies online at Art Xpress. His favorite brand of art supplies is Charles Reid, which you can find on the Artxpress.com web site.
If you�re interested in having a workshop through our club with LaMar, let Bobbie know. If you want to work directly through LaMar, contact him at 571-1425.
Alex�s 6 week Watercolor Workshop:Starts August 16-October 4, 2007; evenings 6:30-8:30 p.m. Register at the center; limited to 10 artists.
IMPORTANT: Come prepared to discuss at the August meeting several issues. We will start the meeting at 6:40 p.m.
- Change in meeting dates & room starting in September on the 3rd Thursday; December meeting.
- Membership fees to provide donations to the Sandy Senior Center will be $15 per year, which will begin on September 1st . Please provide Bobbie with the money at the next meeting.
- Officers-elections for each position. ALL POSITIONS HAVE BEEN FILLED EXCEPT HOSPITALITY. Would 2-3 of you consider sharing the job? Please contact me if you are interested. We could discontinue the refreshments�that�s an option.
- Sandy Art Show: October 18-20, 2007
Next Meeting:
Our next meeting will be held on the evening of Thursday,August 23rd at 6:30 p.m. Our guest is Nancy Maxfield Lund. Nancy will cover the different art and workshop teachers she has had and how they have influenced her art. She is bringing many of her originals. She will show exactly what she did and learned in each workshop. This should be fascinating and educational. She says she�s been on a �pretty exciting ride�.
September 20 (new location in the Caf�) our guest Beth Arbuckle/Ashdown demonstrating watercolor on canvas.
October 18 our guest is Joyce Baron.
November 15 our guest is Marian Dunn.
December 20�do we want a meeting just before Christmas?
Our web site is https://www.watercolor.sandyseniorcenter.org. If you are interested in selling your paintings through our website, contact Alex Hoshovsky or Bobbie Halverson.
Please contact Bobbie Halverson at 572-0468 or via email at joebobhalvr@msn.com with your Watercolor Club meeting agenda inclusions, ideas and concerns. Let her know if you have shows or workshops you want her to mention at the next meeting (or you would like to speak about them). Let her know if you have won an award recently.